2 comments on “The Relevance of Consciousness – Design Dimensions

  1. What an interesting read. It nicely supplements your previous post. We feel like you correctly handle this information: use the concept of analyzing different aspects, but balance the psychology and technology side of your thesis.

    So, when you do focus on the more ‘human’ side (user evaluation and such), make sure to update your knowledge on Nielsen & Normal’s usability theories (Perhaps you already did, good!). We find it best to start evaluating during application design, not afterwards. It’s two processes that complement eachother. In this blogpost from Brian Gestures (who has the same thesis subject as we do), you can find the following. We copied it because we couldn’t summarize it better ourselves:

    “Usability testing takes a lot of time, but it’s also a crucial step in the development of a user-oriented application […]. Nielsen tells us that a small test group should be enough to correct the most critical usability problems and Schwerdtfeger tells that selecting a diverse test group adds to the finding of usability problems. […], we could try to find test persons which are:

    1) experts on gesture-based Human-Computer interaction, these know much about the problems of gamification (on certain devices).
    2) experts on the type of application, these will be able to say if adding the given gesture set can be an added value or not (and why).
    3) inexperienced users, these don’t know exactly what they are doing, which might result in completely unexpected reactions to the system.”

    (Apologies if you already took Duval’s user interface course and this is redundant info :))

  2. Thank you for the insightful feedback.
    I haven’t taken that course yet, however I plan on doing so next semester. I will definitely take a closer look at that, thank you for the recommendation. The only difficulty with testing is that it would most likely have to be done through questionaires, which will give a warped result as it is a poor replacement for actual use of the application.

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